Selections from the Canonical Hours and Offices of the Holy Church
Other Daily Hours
Please Note
These offices, prayers and selections are for the edification and convenient use of the faithful and are not intended as substitutes for one’s personal prayers and devotions.
The Prologue of Ochrid
The Prologue from Ohrid is a publication, usually printed in two volumes, that is compilation of individual entries on lives of saints of the Orthodox Church. The Prologue is the work Nikolai Velimirovic, a bishop and saint of the Orthodox Church who lived from 1880 to 1956. The entries for individual saints is organized by the date of their feast day. In addition to a short biography or "life of a saint" the Prologue also included hymns, reflections, and homilies, usually related to a particular saint. It was originally written in Serbian and is now available in translation. St. Nikolai is often referred to as the Serbian "Chrysostom". St. Nikolai wrote the Ochridski Prolog (The Prologue of Ohrid) during a period in 1928 when he was in Serbia. He patterned his work after the ancient hagiographical literature in which he wrote brief Lives and edifying incidents of the lives of the men and women, including ordinary sinners.
The Roman Martyrology
The Martyrology is a catalog or list of martyrs and other saints arranged in the calendar order according to their anniversaries or feasts. The Martyrology records the life, deeds and deaths of those who have given their life for the Holy Faith. Many of these luminaries are recorded in what is commonly known as the Synaxarion or the Longer Menologion. The idea of a separate collection centered around those who particularly gave up their earthly life for Christ arose in the Western Church in great antiquity; prior to the Great Schism of 1054 AD.
The Martyrology, or ferial, of the Roman Church in the middle of the fourth century still exists. It comprises two distinct lists, the Depositio Martyrum and the Depositio Episcoporum, lists most frequently found united.